Okay, so there was something else happened on Friday, I didn't mention it at first because my pride was massively wounded, but I got a belt (my first, and hopefully last). It happened because I didn't isolate properly - I'd been isolating all day properly, but then towards 3pm on Friday I was getting fed up, my head was frazzled, and I only isolated at the switch, totally forgetting that light 5 had a permanent feed for an emergency fitting. Yes, stupid, and it has certainly humbled me.
Thing is, and I'm probably being thick as they come, I can't understand how I got a zap. Here's a diagram of how the wiring is, I'm not sure where light 3 comes from, whether it's from 1 or 2 as I haven't opened then part up. Lights 1 and 2 were still connected but turned off at the switch. Light 2 also has a permanent feed as that's emergency, but that's upstream on the circuit. Lights 3, 4, 5 and 6 were all disconnected fully (click adapter). As you can see, line moves 3 to 4 to 5 to 6, neutral does some fudged stuff. Anyway, switched line off, permanent line not isolated, but no loads past light 2 (as far as I can tell). I removed the neutrals at click adapter #3, and as I did my thumb bridged the gap between them and I got a belt.
So, someone please tell me I'm being stupid and that it's really obvious why seperating the neutrals on a dead circuit gave me a tingle. I know permanent line was still live at light 5 but there was no load connected to it. Likewise, permanent line was still live at light 2 but that's upstream and so that should have still had a neutral connection present.
I'm eager to get back up there and see exactly what the hell is going on, but I'm not allowed to until an LA spark comes out and signs the incident off.