Sorry this question may sound silly, but I really don't know anything about electricity so I'm just asking to make sure.
So, recently I bought a machine from the U.S via Amazon. In the instructions of the Amazon page, it said to plug the machine into a 110V socket, but our countries run on a 240 voltage. So I was thinking about buying a voltage adapter, but I haven't found a proper one near my area. Also, while looking at the machine, I saw that this was written on it: Residual Current Operated Circuit Breaker ~ 32A 230V 500 50Hz. So does this mean that I can safely use the machine without an adapter? I'm a little confused.
I attached pictures for further clarifications. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
So, recently I bought a machine from the U.S via Amazon. In the instructions of the Amazon page, it said to plug the machine into a 110V socket, but our countries run on a 240 voltage. So I was thinking about buying a voltage adapter, but I haven't found a proper one near my area. Also, while looking at the machine, I saw that this was written on it: Residual Current Operated Circuit Breaker ~ 32A 230V 500 50Hz. So does this mean that I can safely use the machine without an adapter? I'm a little confused.
I attached pictures for further clarifications. Any help would be greatly appreciated!