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Ladbrokes banner! - Dan is fixing the forum ads, and other things - Sorry lads!

Discuss Ladbrokes banner! - Dan is fixing the forum ads, and other things - Sorry lads! in the UK Electrical Forum area at


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Why have I started getting a Ladbrokes advert at the top of the screen? Very annoying. I'm signed in.

Anyone else seeing this? Or am I special? Don't answer that.

I think I've done everything I can to fix all the emails.

You will all notice that when you get an email it will be from [email protected] rather than [email protected]. The latter was wasting time (but saving us a few pennies) when people replied to a forum email with "I can't login", we then had to ask which forum they meant. Also, there are a few people registered to all forums and that confuses those people even more so.

So each forum has their own email account now that reflects the domain name.

Also now when an email gets bounced a few times in a row, that account will be put into an inactive state. The username related to that email will then need to login and change the email. If they can't after a few months their account will be removed during housekeeping.

Also now when you click an unsubscribe link in any email, it will unsubscribe you from that email type instantly and not require human interaction our end. That was becoming a pain in the arse given how big the forums are now and how many emails go out daily across all the forums.

What @Lou has done so far can be seen here: - Connect any of your accounts you'd like to. This doesn't mean when you share to those networks anything changes. It just means if you're already logged in one on a device you're using then load the forum, you're also logged in here at the click of a button. As I said before we did use this some time ago but it quickly came to light that Facebook was being naughty with their tracking cookies so I removed all external logins. Developer communities now it seems at least agree that has stopped. Or at least they are now more open about it and stick it in their terms and conditions for you to consider (ignore more like) when you're signing up to such networks.
I'm going to get some grub then come checkout these ads again. I've refreshed the server errors a few times and it seems all emails are working as they should be now.
Anybody getting stuff in Polish? I have 5 repeats of the same ad on one page... Vilmar Training offering electrical courses in Polish. Plus the Chinese company PCBway are advertising in Polish. I do buy PCBs and I do use multiple languages on the WWW, but Polish isn't one of them, so if this is targeted it's a bit stuknięty.
I don't get any ads, thanks to the excellent advice from another forum member, and while i would like to acknowledge him here, i refrain from doing so in case he gets inundated with queries!
Anybody getting stuff in Polish? I have 5 repeats of the same ad on one page... Vilmar Training offering electrical courses in Polish. Plus the Chinese company PCBway are advertising in Polish. I do buy PCBs and I do use multiple languages on the WWW, but Polish isn't one of them, so if this is targeted it's a bit stuknięty.
Should all be fixed for now mate.

Though I've only reverted back to our old ad system after testing something and then it failing to work.

So at some point I will be testing again so perhaps just some advance warning and a thread from be would have been better.

You know me though, I just tend to log on and think hmmmmm let's do this right now as that's surely the best time to do it. lol
The banner covering the top of the screen is now gone!!

Thank you for sorting this.
I will be testing again in the coming weeks but I'll test on tilers first eh lol

No Lego adverts??

Took their time in coming…. But yes….. yes there is.


And just like a lot of the other adverts…. It’s for things I’ve already got….
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