I get ya i think - so the top left image of how it switches is unconventional? What does it normally look like? I want to learn the common way which is applied to most switches and now feel like i can't really trust the guide i bought.
I mean i get how it's working in terms of the wiring, but it was GSH's comment here that completely threw me since he makes it sound like a rule.
I've never seen a switch that was configured for anything other than one cable in top terminals and other in the bottom, but that's not to say other arrangements don't exist and there's no reason why they shouldn't.
The guide you have has shown everything correctly, albeit in what could be considered an unconventional manner. It's worth remembering that exams are similarly devised, with questions intended to determine whether a candidate is paying attention, and understanding what is in front of them, or simply repeating mantras they've been taught.