1. Possibly not part of building regs, but it’s a good idea to have them.
2. Standard should be fine, but utility rooms are usually bigger diameter than, say a bathroom. 150mm instead of 100. (Again, not sure if it’s a reg… but every one I’ve come across is on the bigger side)
3. That needs sorted.
Are these you have picked up on, or that the builders snagging team have highlighted?
If a snagging team have brought them up, then that suggests they should be in place by design.
Let them change anything they like, if you get an improvement for free.
New builds are notorious for trades to cut corners. Do some snagging yourself… such as checking the tightness of everything you can find… safely of course!
Power off, switch off the wall… check terminals are tight….Same with a couple of random sockets. I had cables fall out a switch 2 years after buying a new build. (You are badged as trainee, so should be within your skill set… but obviously don’t try anything you’re not confident with!)
Wiggle the taps… check they are tight onto the sink or basin….
Photograph anything you can find that’s not right with time stamp.
If the hole in the consumer unit is anything to go by… it looks like In and out, quick as you can type job.