You'll need to put the inverters thorugh a DB, the set up shown at top was corrected with a small CU being added in place of the juction box, - each inverter should be on it's own final circuit.
Yes trust Sunny Design, us the 'Design Suggestions' to optimise your configuration. - You can still tweek the string configuration later to suit the actual roof layout. a due south 30 degree roof with your panels is most efficient using 2 x STP10000TL's (just remeber you'll need an SMA grid guard code as STP10000TL's oftem come configures as G83 as opposed to G59)
We tend to use SMA inverters for the monitoring and reporting - we've got lots of plants linked up to Sunny Portal so we can contrast and compare continually.
Power-one are good inverters and one of them comes with most of the swithing built in which can save time and cost on an installation.
Know why you're choosing the make of inverter, a single Power-One may be cheaper that multiple SMA's in lots of ways (DB's, Isolators, inverter mouting, space etc) though the Power-Ones are big so and so's!
Note: I believe the SMA STP-20000TLEE-10 has a single MPP tracker.
Bear in mind that as the 10000TL (not the EE) has 2 MPP trackers, you can use this to help with mulitple orientations.