the emergency shutdown procedure has to be displayed at the point of interconnection, I.E the main fuse. I used to put it at the inverter as this seemed the obvious place, but got pinged for it on my previous inspection as the point of interconnection means between the suppliers side and the customers side, not the interconnection between AC and DC. HAving said that, could that flappy piece of paper be the shutdown procedure?
I think there are isolation stickers on there but it's hard to tell whats on them. The inverter should also have some stickers on it.
AC and DC should have physical seperation and I can't see how that would be achieved in this instance using the same piece of trunking, unless the cables go off in opposite (and rather unexpected!) directions.
It's not possible to tell if there are 2 strings from this, as there might be a connector bringing the 2 strings together further up the system. The best guide is probably the voltage readings because they will be about half what you would expect if it was one string.