If it's glanded Into a painted board then yes, but if I have a few SWA's to gland up, I normally install a length of 4" trunking and bond that back to the earth terminal
What you have actually done is created a really random bit of supplementary bonding, it's also a waste of time as it's not accessible for maintainence. If that was the case in new builds where pipe tails are installed in copper or stainless for astetics we would be bloody busy bonding them all...
Who needs calcs to ascertain if it's fit for purpose?? Shall we keep it simple ?
Visual inspection time.......
Is the ip rating intact
Is the condition of the panel satisfactory
Are all the exposed conductive parts enclosed
Is there any corrosion
Is there a suitable number of ways for the new...
I always knew it as drop tuning, was the only way to do it when I first started as I couldn't afford a tuner!.
Only issue is that your assuming that the top E is in !
Do we think it would be worth moving this into the general forum??, wider coverage and could be good fun, with a big emphasis on zero tolerance for the usual behaviour. Or do we want it left as is...............
Btw......awesome idea!!
I understand your feelings mate, but what you need to do is learn so easy tunes.
I can play classical gas well but took me as an experienced player, 3 months to learn it fully. Don't set your sights too high or frustration will set in
It will most likely not be your taste, but learn a couple of oasis tunes!!, easy to learn and you can normally get the whole song learnt in a couple of hours as a beginner
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