Hi guys,
I have a problem that I can´t solve with my lack of electrician knowledge. I have a situation, where I have one temperature changing 12V LED strip and I need to controll it from two different spots. To be exact, that CCT strip is behind my bed and I´d like to put one controller on each side of the bed, so both me and my wife can controll it independently. So when I decide to turn it on on my side of the bed, it will turn on, and when my wife will decide to turn it off, it will turn off from her side of the bed.
For the controller, I bought 2 of those in the link ( US $14.94 20% OFF|Dual white CCT Touch Panel controller Wall mounted color Temperature adjustable controller dimmer DC12V/24V 12A for CT LED Strip|controler dimmer|touch panel controldual white - AliExpress - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32348001963.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.321c250aVXsDdz&algo_pvid=80761f30-abd3-485c-a1a5-389a9229efdd&algo_expid=80761f30-abd3-485c-a1a5-389a9229efdd-7&btsid=0be3743b15928990475854403e68ac&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ )
The problem is, that I´m not sure how to wire it correctly, so both controllers will work together. For now, I tried the simplest wiring:
230V -> 12V -> cables are spliced and goes to each controller -> from each controller it goes to the led strip where it merges together. I know that that is not a correct way, but it kinda works. It lights up, I can turn on/off the LED, change the temperature and brightness. But those controllers are not "synced", so they are not working together. If I turn on the strip with one controller, the other controller can´t turn it off and vice versa. So I can controll the lights with each controller, but only with one at a time. So if I turn on the light with controller 1, than I need to turn it off first, and than I can use the controller 2.
So that is my question. Is there a possible way (different wiring, adding some additional devices or so) to make it work correctly? To be able to turn on the strip from one side of the bed, and than controll it also from the other?
Thanks a lot for any help/advice with simplest explanation as possible.
I have a problem that I can´t solve with my lack of electrician knowledge. I have a situation, where I have one temperature changing 12V LED strip and I need to controll it from two different spots. To be exact, that CCT strip is behind my bed and I´d like to put one controller on each side of the bed, so both me and my wife can controll it independently. So when I decide to turn it on on my side of the bed, it will turn on, and when my wife will decide to turn it off, it will turn off from her side of the bed.
For the controller, I bought 2 of those in the link ( US $14.94 20% OFF|Dual white CCT Touch Panel controller Wall mounted color Temperature adjustable controller dimmer DC12V/24V 12A for CT LED Strip|controler dimmer|touch panel controldual white - AliExpress - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32348001963.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.321c250aVXsDdz&algo_pvid=80761f30-abd3-485c-a1a5-389a9229efdd&algo_expid=80761f30-abd3-485c-a1a5-389a9229efdd-7&btsid=0be3743b15928990475854403e68ac&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ )
The problem is, that I´m not sure how to wire it correctly, so both controllers will work together. For now, I tried the simplest wiring:
230V -> 12V -> cables are spliced and goes to each controller -> from each controller it goes to the led strip where it merges together. I know that that is not a correct way, but it kinda works. It lights up, I can turn on/off the LED, change the temperature and brightness. But those controllers are not "synced", so they are not working together. If I turn on the strip with one controller, the other controller can´t turn it off and vice versa. So I can controll the lights with each controller, but only with one at a time. So if I turn on the light with controller 1, than I need to turn it off first, and than I can use the controller 2.
So that is my question. Is there a possible way (different wiring, adding some additional devices or so) to make it work correctly? To be able to turn on the strip from one side of the bed, and than controll it also from the other?
Thanks a lot for any help/advice with simplest explanation as possible.
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