I’ve just had a ‘robust exchange of views’ with a visiting engineer about the 16A sockets in my workshop. These, together with local 13A sockets, are run from radials in 2.5mm, protected by 20A RCBOs.
I say it’s fine to have say a couple of 16A interlocked sockets, and lots of 13A doubles on each radial.
See pictures below: All the sockets in each picture are on the same individual radial (Ignore the 3P socket and the drill supply).
The visitor insisted you must have a separate circuit for 16A sockets, protected at 16A.
I say that’s rubbish, as the protection in this case is rated to the cable CCA and length, and 20A max is fine for 16A sockets as 16A plugs are not fitted to equipment which draws more than this.
All is under the supervision of trained personnel. Care is taken with load balancing as the supply in this remote building is limited to 20A per phase anyway.
Who is right?
I say it’s fine to have say a couple of 16A interlocked sockets, and lots of 13A doubles on each radial.
See pictures below: All the sockets in each picture are on the same individual radial (Ignore the 3P socket and the drill supply).
The visitor insisted you must have a separate circuit for 16A sockets, protected at 16A.
I say that’s rubbish, as the protection in this case is rated to the cable CCA and length, and 20A max is fine for 16A sockets as 16A plugs are not fitted to equipment which draws more than this.
All is under the supervision of trained personnel. Care is taken with load balancing as the supply in this remote building is limited to 20A per phase anyway.
Who is right?