I have two LED light panels (like this: LED Panel 120x30cm - Varm hvid 3000K-40W - which both popped, within about a second of each other, while on, the other day. I have no idea why they popped, and I am not reading continuity across the primary windings of either.
Is this a manufacturer error, bad power from the utility, or something else?
Am I within my rights to request new transformers from the company I bought the lights from?
Thank you!
I have two LED light panels (like this: LED Panel 120x30cm - Varm hvid 3000K-40W - which both popped, within about a second of each other, while on, the other day. I have no idea why they popped, and I am not reading continuity across the primary windings of either.
Is this a manufacturer error, bad power from the utility, or something else?
Am I within my rights to request new transformers from the company I bought the lights from?
Thank you!