ive got my exam on thursday next week and dreading it. i think city and guilds have the wrong idea about who is sitting these exams. they think everybody is top of the range testers who already know everything about testing and this is exam is just a walk in the park for them, but in reality its people who havent been been sparking to long and want to use it as a quailfication to help themselves up the ladder. im doing it to help me in the business im setting up and although im ok at testing ( not over great but can get by ) i hope to pass and then learn more as i go along. if i was brilliant at testing as city and guilds want then i wouldnt need to do the bloody test.
by the way dreading the exam. ive thought about quitting the course more than once and thinks its the worst 340 quid ive ever spent. all this about the correct terminolgy and failing people for not using it is my arse. my college teacher is going to move away from city and guilds as he thinks its run by dinosaws who still think they are the only awarding body there is.
Sorry Alex, but i think you are wrong.
2391 is designed for EXPERIENCED electricians (which includes experience at inspection and testing). Its not meant to be a walk in the park!
Look, when you pass this, you would be qualified to walk into a large factory, or hotel, or office complex, and using your skills at both inspecting and testing, make a decision on the condition and safety of the electrical installation. And that decision will stand. NO-ONE has the authority to question that decision.
And because of the importance of that decision, they aint gonna hand out the qual with a box of cornflakes!
Ok, the exam is often flawed, but anyone with a good, indepth understanding of inspection and testing should not find it too taxing - and that's why its got a pass rate hovering around 40 percent - too many people sit it hoping they will 'get through' and 'learn it afterwards'.
You cant use the qual to 'help you up the ladder', you should be near the top rung when you sit it!!!!
You wanna join a club that i am a member of? You pay the entry fee same as me - and that entry fee is a
bl@#*dy hard slog through this qual!!!
To be honest, this is why they have introduced the 2392, I'ts meant for people who want a test and inspect qual, but are not experienced enough for the 2391 yet.
Best of luck my friend