Hi all
I'm doing the 2394 exam next week, probably before I'm ready for it but I had the opportunity so took it, I've already completed the week long course and passed the multiple choice exam. I found the Chief Examiners Reports for the 2394/5 and posted a tread with links on yesterday which Paul.M made into a sticky. I'm working through the December report and some of the questions I can confidently answer, others are proving more difficult and I could do with somebody telling me if I'm right, wrong or to rephrase the answer for C & G purposes. I don't want someone to tell me the answer but if i'm wrong and miles out a push in the right direction would be appreciated. I'll only copy and paste the questions I'm struggling with and the answers that I've got, if anybody is struggling with other questions that I've not put up let me know I can possibly help you with the answer. I do have the wiring regs, osg, gn3, Kitchers book and a Linsley level 3 book.
Link to report: http://www.ett-ni.org/media/2394-302-chief-examiners-report-december-2013.pdf
Below are questions and answers from the first section of the report that i'm not sure about, I'll post more if this goes well.
All feedback appreciated
Thanks in advance
Knowledge of BS 7671 and Guidance Note 3
Many candidates struggled to list labels that one would expect to find on a three-phase installation.
Recommend to the person responsible that the circuit is isolated and the fault needs to be repaired before the the circuit can be tested.
I'm doing the 2394 exam next week, probably before I'm ready for it but I had the opportunity so took it, I've already completed the week long course and passed the multiple choice exam. I found the Chief Examiners Reports for the 2394/5 and posted a tread with links on yesterday which Paul.M made into a sticky. I'm working through the December report and some of the questions I can confidently answer, others are proving more difficult and I could do with somebody telling me if I'm right, wrong or to rephrase the answer for C & G purposes. I don't want someone to tell me the answer but if i'm wrong and miles out a push in the right direction would be appreciated. I'll only copy and paste the questions I'm struggling with and the answers that I've got, if anybody is struggling with other questions that I've not put up let me know I can possibly help you with the answer. I do have the wiring regs, osg, gn3, Kitchers book and a Linsley level 3 book.
Link to report: http://www.ett-ni.org/media/2394-302-chief-examiners-report-december-2013.pdf
Below are questions and answers from the first section of the report that i'm not sure about, I'll post more if this goes well.
All feedback appreciated
Thanks in advance
Knowledge of BS 7671 and Guidance Note 3
Many candidates struggled to list labels that one would expect to find on a three-phase installation.
- earthing and bonding notice
- Next inspection notice
- Procedure to be followed if a fault is indicated during testing - some candidates stated that it should be noted on the Certificate
Recommend to the person responsible that the circuit is isolated and the fault needs to be repaired before the the circuit can be tested.
- why tests are required to be carried out in a set sequence
- Safety reasons, dead testing followed by live testing
- Reduce risk of havng to go back and repeat tests which have already been carried out should a fault be found
- what should be recorded on the schedule of test for each test
- Circuit number
- Circuit description
- Overcurrent device
- Conductor details
- Insulation resistance
- Zs