Example ..I have here in my hand a 4kw Omron inverter 1ph to 3ph now given that a 4kw motor will have an flc of approx. 8amps the plate rating gives a input demand of 40amps so do the maths that is 5 times the motor flc rating because you generate it from a single phase supply .... now take the OP example 7.5 KW motor and do the same.... with approx' 14amps flc x 5 this could see a demand of up to 70amps on the 1ph supply of which has a cutout fuse carrier stamped 100amps although this may not be the fuse rating within. As silva has pointed out once motors start getting beyond 4kw the duty on a single phase supply becomes so large it not commercially viable to make a product that would see little demand although you can get them they aint cheap .. don't mix this up with 3ph in 3ph out inverters which come in all size as ive just fitted a 33kw inverter myself.
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