It depends on the rating, if it is larger than 1.8kw it will take more than 16A, so it must use a 32A plug/socket.
Which raises the question what is the transformer rating? Most 110v site transformers are rated for 50% duty - so a 2kVA transformer is really only 1kVA continuous
If you are running a heater - which will be most of the time, your site transformer needs to be around 2x the heater rating or more.
If your heater is less than 1.8kw then you could change the plug to 16A or use a 16A to 32A lead or adapter.
If it is greater than 1.8kw then no, and your transformer is also likely to be too small.
I suspect they have used a 32A plug because the current will be more than 16A