Happy new year everyone, My names Ben, I am 30 years old and I live in a small town called Darwen which is in Lancashire. I have an interest in electrical work and have an NVQ Level 2 in Electrical installation. I am however looking to gain more experience in the industry as a sparks mate/improver and maybe go back to college at some point. I know its not easy as my site experience is pretty limited, I do have bits of site experience but nothing solid. I often find myself in a catch 22 type situation, i.e. firms want more experienced people, but how are you meant to gain experience in the first place iff you arent really given a chance etc. I guess its a bit of luck and sometimes who you know. I did however work as a sparks mate for a few months before xmas but was no longer needed in the new year. Anyhow I am looking forward to getting involved on the forum.
Kind Regards
Ben Wilson
Kind Regards
Ben Wilson