I think BRB means 'be right back' lol.
I can't quite tell whether you're joking or not.... But if you're not: -
BRB: Big red book AKA BS7671:2008 or the 17th edition of the wiring regulations
PIR: Periodic inspection report
EIC: Electrical installation certificate
MWC: Minor works certificate
EFLI: earth fault loop impedance
PFC: prospective fault current which is the higher of: -
PEFC: prospective earth fault current - between line and earth and: -
PSCC: prospective short circuit current - between line and neutral or line to line in a 3 phase system
FCU: fused connection unit (normally known as a fused spur)
DSSO: double switched socket outlet
SSSO: single switched socket outlet
DB: distribution board
DNO: district network operator - the people who own the cables, main cutout fuse etc.
OPD/CPD: overcurrent/circuit protective device - the MCB, RCBO or fuse
MCB: miniature circuit breaker
MCCB: moulded case circuit breaker (big circuit breaker normally used to protect submains, if relatively new they're BS 60947-2)
ACB: air circuit breaker (even bigger circuit breaker normally used at the
first point in LV panels in large commercial/industrial installations, again BSEN 60947-2 if relatively new)
OCB: oil circuit breaker (I know these exist, but never come across one, I think they may be only found in HV switching)
RCBO: residual current breaker with intergrated overcurrent protective device (i.e. an MCB with an integrated RCD)
SELV: Separated extra low voltage
PELV: Protective extra low voltage
FELV: Functional extra low voltage
VOELCB: Voltage operated earth leakage circuit breaker (old style of RCD you'll often find on ageing TT installations in the middle of the tails, looks like a big ugly RCD with a yellow test button - haven't been used since the early 80's and should really be replaced as the design was a bit rubbish)
Some of these you won't see on these forums, but they're all useful to know...
And I know that a few of them may be like teaching some people to suck eggs, but if help can be had then I'm happy!