Up here most plasterboard is Ames taped rather than plastered.
still get the relatively new concept of covering all your wires up and not bringing them through.in the old days before dry lining boxes were common it was all steel boxes on dwangs so they were usually cut out.now it's too much effort for them to bring them out at all.
my old foreman showed me what to do years ago
on a job the main contractor brought in squads to dry line the entire ground floor of a school science block over a weekend.we roll up on Monday with barely a wire in.
get that shovel out the van son.
hand him the shovel and he attacks the walls like a man possessed
agent asks him wtf? Big barney and tells him to get the sheets off or the all come off in a shovel style up to you. Still works to this day.
or turn the power off ask him if he has his night vision goggles with him so he can plaster in the dark cos it can stay off all day if you don't play the game.
did this a couple of weeks ago and got a result.