Hi, Ive been asked to run a supply to a garage, the meter box for the house is located externally at the back of the garage, the supply to the CU (situated in the house) comes thru a Fused Isolator and runs about 15 metres underground (Cant see any ducting!!) to the house in SWA.
1) Can I break into the supply after the fused Isolator in the meter box using 100A Connectors and run 25mm tails to an RCD protected Garage CU? or
2) Do I have to run an SWA cable from the house CU back to the garage?
1) Can I break into the supply after the fused Isolator in the meter box using 100A Connectors and run 25mm tails to an RCD protected Garage CU? or
2) Do I have to run an SWA cable from the house CU back to the garage?