Hi mate, apologies for the late reply.
It's not too bad really, just try not to flap as that's when things will start to go wrong, I did at times, but just try to keep a cool head mate! My biggest piece of advise would be to follow the spec religiously, it should all be there for you.
Also with regard to the install, try to have a plan of attack before you go in, I found it helped. So I did it in this order:
Commando socket, Motor, S Plan, Lighting, RFC, FP200, Bonding, and Data. Do it in an order which works for you, I found hardest to easiest suited me better.
I took my am2 in Glos,
When testing, there were questions, like what sort of reading would you be expecting etc etc, but it was all straight forward if you're confident testing, it was mainly just watching, more so on the live testing. All my Zs readings were calculated, use the back of the schedule of test results to write down all your notes and forumla's (such as your r1+r2/4 and all that sort of thing).
All the best buddy, if I can help with anything else just say. Cheers.