Hello everyone,
Been off the site for a while as i'd been planning a trip with the missus, Im currently in Mexico, soon to be in Belize, and will be heading south through Central America then South America and on to USA, NZ, Fiji, OZ, South East Asia and India. About a year in total. Poor me.
Yeah i know im a lucky git. Ha ha ha.....
But because im a nice bloke, i thought i'd send some pics now and again of bodging beyond belief - purely for your entertainment!!!
So to start it off, heres one i saw in Cancun.
Some lovely sockets that one would put inside their house, going through some nice C50 breakers, on a nice super bendy conduit, tapped straight off the LV grid. Nowt wrong with that.
I have a suspicious feeling this will only get worse. They have 2 pin socket outlets in lighting pendants here. Yes pendants! Nowt wrong with that either!! haha!!
Lenny can you make this is a sticky so i can keep em coming? good way to stay in touch and remind everyone i dont have to set my alarm for a year. what day of the week is it again?
Been off the site for a while as i'd been planning a trip with the missus, Im currently in Mexico, soon to be in Belize, and will be heading south through Central America then South America and on to USA, NZ, Fiji, OZ, South East Asia and India. About a year in total. Poor me.
Yeah i know im a lucky git. Ha ha ha.....
But because im a nice bloke, i thought i'd send some pics now and again of bodging beyond belief - purely for your entertainment!!!
So to start it off, heres one i saw in Cancun.
Some lovely sockets that one would put inside their house, going through some nice C50 breakers, on a nice super bendy conduit, tapped straight off the LV grid. Nowt wrong with that.
I have a suspicious feeling this will only get worse. They have 2 pin socket outlets in lighting pendants here. Yes pendants! Nowt wrong with that either!! haha!!
Lenny can you make this is a sticky so i can keep em coming? good way to stay in touch and remind everyone i dont have to set my alarm for a year. what day of the week is it again?
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