Usually AR coatings are on just the front or both sides of the glass. I would presume like spectacle lenses. Not looking that carefully when I touched a panel glass it got that tell tail greasy finger print on the top of the glass. So Sharp must have it on the outside of the glass and hence be very careful when cleaning. Once scratch there is no going back and usually the coating starts to flake off near the scratch.
AR coatings like with glasses increase light transmission through the glass ideal for increased light reaching solar cells. They are made from Manganese Oxide and usually a blue colour. If you get a spec were it goes a different colour the lens had dust on it before coating and coating like a car spray has not adhered.
A single layer of AR is not as good as multi-layer AR coat = MAR coating. It works better in all wavelengths of light. They are usually a reddy/green colour.
Those of you who have had this on your spex would know that this only provides scratch resistance and NOT scratch PROOF!!! I've never seen people use sharp blades on spectacles. Be very careful what you use. You must use a microfibril cloth small one available from opticians and pound shops and larger ones from good car shops. With my glasses I can tell you these coatings don't last, may be its me? If the Microfibril cloth has sand-like particles on it as you start to clean= scratches. Shake very well before use and use soapy water/spectacle cleaning solution. Microfibril cloth works like a sponge to grease on glass. After it saturates and fills with grease put it in the washing machine with your clothes and it comes out brand new.