Looking at buying a MFT. Not sure if to go with a Megger, Fluke, or Metrel tester.
Want something with auto RCD.
Seen a Metrel MI3002 for £250 with 12 months cal also found a brand new kit with the tester and a voltage tester in a hard case for £400.
Also a Megger MFT 1720 for £330
Any feedback on if the price is good and if they are any good.
Looking at buying a MFT. Not sure if to go with a Megger, Fluke, or Metrel tester.
Want something with auto RCD.
Seen a Metrel MI3002 for £250 with 12 months cal also found a brand new kit with the tester and a voltage tester in a hard case for £400.
Also a Megger MFT 1720 for £330
Any feedback on if the price is good and if they are any good.