Hi, I am not an electrician, just an interested amateur, but I am having problems with a Manrose extractor and I feel I might be getting fobbed off by the manufacturer.
I could smell a burning smell in my ensuite and narrowed it down to the Manrose extractor. I took the cover off and the circuit board cover and could see the plastic had browned and started to melt where it was next to the resistor.
I contacted Manrose and they said it was perfectly normal as the resistor gets hot! I was shocked that it gets so hot the plastic melts but wanted to check with the experts that I'm not overreacting.
I have attached a picture and would appreciate your thoughts?
I could smell a burning smell in my ensuite and narrowed it down to the Manrose extractor. I took the cover off and the circuit board cover and could see the plastic had browned and started to melt where it was next to the resistor.
I contacted Manrose and they said it was perfectly normal as the resistor gets hot! I was shocked that it gets so hot the plastic melts but wanted to check with the experts that I'm not overreacting.
I have attached a picture and would appreciate your thoughts?