when i went to college it was night college there were 2 in leeds that offer the same course. was told by one that i was too old to do it ? 28... wrote off before i was 30. anyways i got in at the other after a load of phone class and started late on the course after a few had dropped out. managed to get distinctions all the way through it with a lot of hard work.
could not get a start anywhere tried offering myself out free of just for the experience but no one was interested. ended up working on some pubs my boss had bought with a spark from college that had been doing it for a few years and then onto the night clubs had bought after. quite a lot i had to learn the hard way and taught myself most of it. would have been nice to have been shown the ropes and the easier ways of doing things but i enjoyed it all the same and because i had to struggle so hard to get anywhere it made it all the more rewarding.
I would have quite happliy worked for say £200 a week and a day in college. chance would have been a fine thing.
i would say 90% of the group have never made it into the trade from the year we were in and thats a real shame when you have a group of people willing to give up two nights a week for three years after a full days work.