I just had an email from a customer from last november saying his leccy bills haven't been reduced, so I'm thinking it must be another of the siemens meters that clocks forward no matter which way the power is flowing, but no, it's not that at all, from the picture he's sent it's obvious that my spark has inexplicably managed to connect the system to the wrong side of the suppliers meter.
Now, this leaves me wondering exactly how many times he's actually managed to do the same thing without me realising, as I reckon he's probably wired up the mains connections for around 80-100 installations in the last year.
I really didn't need this sort of idiocy coming back to bite me in the backside right now.
Actually, it gets worse, I've just remembered that both my sparks were on that job working together, while I did the panels... one had been with us for a year, the other for 6 months by this stage, so I expected that between them they were actually capable of doing something as simple as connecting the system in to the mains correctly without me needing to be checking their work.
I think I'm going to have to go and have a bit of a cry in the corner or something.
Now, this leaves me wondering exactly how many times he's actually managed to do the same thing without me realising, as I reckon he's probably wired up the mains connections for around 80-100 installations in the last year.
I really didn't need this sort of idiocy coming back to bite me in the backside right now.
Actually, it gets worse, I've just remembered that both my sparks were on that job working together, while I did the panels... one had been with us for a year, the other for 6 months by this stage, so I expected that between them they were actually capable of doing something as simple as connecting the system in to the mains correctly without me needing to be checking their work.
I think I'm going to have to go and have a bit of a cry in the corner or something.