Received this statement this morning from the Solar Trade Association:
"[FONT=&]Several of you have stressed to us the importance of knowing when the new cost control framework will come into effect, particularly when Ed Davey suggested in the Commons last week he had scope for only a very small bit of movement.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]We are expecting full details over the next week, however, our best intelligence is the new cost control framework will come into effect first week of August. Therefore we have 10 weeks to make every effort to get the market going again. Positive, reassuring messages are needed to re-establish consumer confidence. [/FONT]
[FONT=&]With energy bills set to rise again significantly this year, we are pretty confident the industry can continue to offer attractive returns."
There has been a lot going on in the background over recent weeks to help ensure the best possible outcome for the industry. Staff from DECC will be at a meeting of the STA on 31st May, so hopefully everything will be public before then.