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Bad Shock

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Hi People,

I was at a friends house on Saturday as he has just bought the property about a month ago. Anyway I was there to clear out the loft whilst he was doing a bit of painting downstairs. I was in the loft clearing some wooden boards and bits of old stuff the previous person had left up there.
I then disturbed some insulation but found myself being electricuted and first thoughts were s**t but I would then just pull my hands away and investigate, instead I was dragged onto my side and realised this was not like any shock/belt I had ever received (all this happened within a few seconds). I could not get away from this and began to scream like crazy "turn it off" which my mate did after running upstairs then back down realising I was in trouble and not fallen through the ceiling which he first thought! About 20 seconds of being shocked.
So now the power was off I crawled to the loft hatch panicking as I couldn't breath or open my eyes properly (I remember not being able to open my eyes whilst it was happening), five minutes passed with me on my side by the hatch with my mate trying his best to help but all I could smell was the flesh burnt on both my arms (I assume line on one arm and neutral on the other), the burns are quite bad but I was more worried that my heart felt like it was going to burst!
I eventually made it down the stairs and my mate phoned the ambulance but I took a bit of a bad turn and turned white as I was still struggling with my breathing so the woman on the phone said lie him down and put his legs in the air so the blood will go to his vital organs.
Ambulance arrived and rushed me to hospital where I recovered and all tests on my heart and bloods proved nothing to worry about.
I am now dealing with the obvious burns but my left shoulder and arm are pretty much unusable at the minute, I think thats a combined injury from the electricity and also falling on my arm onto a joist quite heavily.

The cable was the old style black ally flex with two cores and no earth.

I have a few questions as I am going to lose wages etc from this event but will give a brief overview of electrics.

The mains board was changed a year ago, its a 17th edition square d board, the circuit was protected by a 6a mcb.
There is No sign of the cable that had me so it must be jointed somewhere.

1- Can I find out of the my local council (Stockport) if this job has been registered with them and who has done the work?
2- If yes to Q1 can I approach the said installer and confront him as to why he has updated the mains board but not rewired a circuit with no earth or at-least flagged the problem?
3- If the previous owner has had it done as a foreigner or done it himself can I have him prosecuted?

I basically want to recoup the money that I am going to lose in wages and I assume i will need some kind of muscle treatment.

I had another friend visit the property on Sunday as i think this is an urgent issue and the company he works for (niceic registered) are rewiring the upstairs lighting on Tuesday.

I dont want to sound all gloomy but I honestly believed that the loft was going to be my resting place and it scared the s**t out of me and was easily the worst experience of my life aged 28 and had a lot of bad things happen to me including open surgery to remove 30 cm of my bowel and recently had 40 stitches to my face after a huge mountain bike crash in wales to name but a few!

I think I should change my career to handing out soft toys to children!

Ask any questions and I will try to answer as best I can, also i was not working on the electrical system but my other friend who is rewiring it said the cables have perished quite far back and cant believe it hasn't already caused a fire.
Here's a thought...(I'm assuming the cable in the loft, with no earth, the insulation was so degraded it crumbled in Frosty's hand)
The person who did the CU change could well have carried out a global L&N to E IR test and it passed.
Because the suspect cable has no Earth, the test wouldn't have picked up on it.
So you could argue the CU installer is not at fault.
However, a L to N IR test would possibly have indicated a fault.

Anyway, I hope your burns are not too bad, horrible injuries.
Get well soon!
well if he`s just done a `limited` IR test on a board change.....then he wants his arse kickin in.....
I hate electric shocks, and i really do sympathize with you but....
This all seems a bit of: 'Well, I've just been shafted near to death, but I'm alright now, I've got the lads in to clear away the evidence. so lets see who we can sue'

Also, it does sounds as though your heart went briefly into fibrillation for a while and somehow came back into correct operation - you lucky bugger !

I would like to know, since this is a registered hospital incident and now made public through this forum, that the H&SE hasn't been informed.

I appreciate that the incident didn't happen on works time and may not involve an action under HASAWA or EAWR. But it may come under the Building Control regs. and as this is a regulatory document, it should have been reported by somebody (hospital no doubt).

I would think maximum publicity through various interested agencies who would be more than happy to invest in pursuing any culpable parties using the incident as an example of a near miss might be expedient...

You need to settle down for a while and recuperate and take time off any work activities just in case. Possibly register for short term sickness benefit if you are employed.
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