hi all
just realised i've missed some thing
had the chance of having a bit of 10.00mm swa 3core at a good price installed it as the voltdrop is fine over 8M and is fine for the 60A supply but now i have got home checking through regs it is about 10A over when calculating the current rating for the 10mm 3 core clipped dirrect 67A x1.45 which only give me 97.15A.
the fuse is a 1361 60A with a rating of 100+ in the time curves for 1 hr
now i know there is not likely to be full load used on this submain buty surely this circuit can not comply ?
has any body got a nugget of gold to get me out of the smelly stuff
just realised i've missed some thing
had the chance of having a bit of 10.00mm swa 3core at a good price installed it as the voltdrop is fine over 8M and is fine for the 60A supply but now i have got home checking through regs it is about 10A over when calculating the current rating for the 10mm 3 core clipped dirrect 67A x1.45 which only give me 97.15A.
the fuse is a 1361 60A with a rating of 100+ in the time curves for 1 hr
now i know there is not likely to be full load used on this submain buty surely this circuit can not comply ?
has any body got a nugget of gold to get me out of the smelly stuff
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