Started 28 years ago working with Sauter and then SE assisting with the installation of a Trend system thats still up and running after 22 years. A brief history Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning or HVAC controls were electro/mechanical so the equipment was made by clock manufacturers hence why there was a few Swiss companies that had cornered the market then mainframe computers came out and the Building Management System or BMS oe Energy Management Systems as they are called in the US at first these were alarm panels that brought up a line of text or to setpoint a controller . Then Direct Digital Control or DDC came out this was the start of the IBM or what we call now PC based controls where the controller became a software module within the outstation ie digital in/out Analogue in/out and the Swiss controls companies suffered as the wanted to control the systems by proprietory software where system companies like Trend/JELThorn emerged as they went PC based.
First of all you need to learn basic control theory ie P PI PID P+PI I think CIBS has a manual on it also if you can get a copy of the Satchwell book I have one but you aint got a chance of getting it I was lucky I progressed from alarm systems to HVAC & BMS controls 30 years so you have a lot to learn ie temperature and humidity control theory, Plant control that includes chillers boilers pumps AHU,s AC units