Have you seen the other thread on 'Brexit Fall outs'?Come on you 'Leavers', there's been 35 views of this thread since I posted. Many of you were very vociferous of this thread, but it has gone silent now. What are your views now?
Darkwood, you need to précis your replies.Cameron was Pro EU, he said he had a strategy set up in case we voted leave, he honestly never considered it would happen and yes he did have one, 'do a runner'...
So Mid' you want feedback, we apart from all the PRO media with there nose out of joint trying to rally as much negative press as possible to make it look as 'I told you so', well there hasn't been anything except the Labour mess that has shocked or surprised me, the markets have reacted as predicted, the BoE has measures in place to protect the banking system and its clearly working, the FT100 Index has seen a few initial dips but given 5yrs data the index is above mean average, the pound although it saw a large drop has recovered over half its value of loss since and as its classed as a floating pound it is not all gloom and doom as export demands increase due the low pound as is normal and consequently imports will cost more but to the end user the prices on the shelf tend to balance out. As for moving forward, well due to the EU taking charge in most of our world trade deals and either blocking them or slapping tarriffs on them for a vested interest to avoid competion has left us with approx 40 Trade expert/negotiators, far less than we need as we used the EU's plentiful supply of experts, yeserday New Zealand offered to lend us some of their top Trade negotiators who have very good track records of cutting deals with many countries, they have also shown interest in moving forward with some kind of free trade deal with themselves and Australia as we withdraw from the EU, India prior to the vote also showed interest in setting up trade deals worth billions, these are deals that could never happen due to EU self presevation and anti competition stance, now the EU is playing a scare tactic game at the moment and been very public in expressing it, they are hitting a hard message of no access to free trade without free movement too as well as expressing we cannot cherry pick what we want, you may believe what you hear here but they have to be seen doing this as they need to ensure there isn't a domino effect across the member states which would end what we know as the EU, in reality the UK holds the best hand and traders and markets know this, this is reflected in the FT100 index quick recovery while the EU's stock market position continues to struggle, adding to this that over 100,000 jobs in germany's car industry are tied to the UK imports and is vastly greater than what we sell them then there is no way that they will risk a massive economical punch which will have very serious effects to germanys economy and jobs market, this is not just unique to Germany as we have the better hand throughout a majority of EU member states. When the article 50 is triggered we will see a large world interest to trade with us as already expressed with even Canada joining the queue as the EU blocked a trade deal between us last year because France said it was in direct competition with them so they vetoed the deal, what the EU and its members will then realise is we don't actually need them and they are all very well aware of this hence they are been very vocal about making it hard for us, this is so far from the truth it is strange they went this road but again it must be to stop the domino effect, well at least until Brussels passes new legislation that will block members from holding referendums of there membership (yes its already happening, don't you love their admiration for democracy).
Now don't get me wrong, whether we stayed in and get crippled by more red tape and limitations or left and went alone, both would see jobs losses, many forget the amount of jobs lost due to EU rulings and stealth deals like the Southampton Ford Van plant that the EU gave 80million to re-site to Turkey at the loss of thousands of jobs in the UK (yes that's Turkey and they say they are not fast tracking get them in the EU though all the evidence points that they are), the jobs losses on leaving are mainly hitting the big corporates, the EU parliment members, yes the ones nobody has ever heard of yet they actually just get paid to turn up and agree to ballots because every time we have disagreed or contended its been ignore on all 70+ occasions and not once has our contention ever changed or help rewrite anything (It's better to be in shaping the future, yeah whatever, it hasn't helped thus far).
We are in for a bumpy ride but I believe you cannot avoid all the potholes when you are heading for the smooth road of opportunities and growth.
Off to sleep. Will read your replies tomorrow. None of you Brexiters make comment about Boris, your key leave politician. Sold us down the river.
Darkwood, you need to précis your replies.
Darkwood, you need to précis your replies.
I was too tie ties, reading them now though.I see - so you've asked for replies but now you can't be bothered to read them?
Reply to the thread, titled "Brexit fallout" which is posted in Electrician Talk Forum on Electricians Forums.