Can anybody recommend any reliable training providers which offer the option of just sitting the exam?
The usual local providers will only offer it as part of a 3 day course.
The nearest college I've found which does offer "exam only" is a 4 hours away.
Ironically, I've noticed the IET offer the courses which exclude the exam suggesting you simply contact a local training provider to take the exam.
Presumably they have never actually tried doing that! I'm assuming it would likely have to be an on-line route.
The usual local providers will only offer it as part of a 3 day course.
The nearest college I've found which does offer "exam only" is a 4 hours away.
Ironically, I've noticed the IET offer the courses which exclude the exam suggesting you simply contact a local training provider to take the exam.
Presumably they have never actually tried doing that! I'm assuming it would likely have to be an on-line route.