Mr Mark Sparks - Dec 9, 2009 #1 on a bs88 fuse there is sometimes a big G and a little g Gg what does this mean
W WayneL Dec 9, 2009 #2 Hi, Think it refers to general use. As opposed to gm which is for motors (large start up currents) Wayne Upvote 0 Downvote
Hi, Think it refers to general use. As opposed to gm which is for motors (large start up currents) Wayne
G Guest123 Dec 9, 2009 #3 Gg = general purpose fuse. You also have Gm type which are as Wayne stated motor rated. Upvote 0 Downvote
Mr Mark Sparks - Dec 10, 2009 #4 cheers so g general m motor what about the 1st G this is just one of those curiosity questions rather than need to know Upvote 0 Downvote
cheers so g general m motor what about the 1st G this is just one of those curiosity questions rather than need to know
R rob1967 Dec 10, 2009 #5 Have come across a cut out fuse that says BILL on it, can anyone tell me what type of fuse that is? bs88 or 1361???? Upvote 0 Downvote
Have come across a cut out fuse that says BILL on it, can anyone tell me what type of fuse that is? bs88 or 1361????