Does any one know of a wire tracer that actually works
I've used a cheap phone tracer in the pass and it would tell me that either "Elvis the wire has left the building - ie. not found" or "I'm sitting inside the wire - ie its everywhere man"
I need something to track wires around buldings where the walls can be upto 1M thick stone and other walls are filled with multi-layer metal backed isulation. Also ideally need one that can work on live circuits.
Scan around the net give prices ranging from £14 to over £1,000 - Can't afford the latter (single man band) and know the former will not work
Any comments please
I've used a cheap phone tracer in the pass and it would tell me that either "Elvis the wire has left the building - ie. not found" or "I'm sitting inside the wire - ie its everywhere man"
I need something to track wires around buldings where the walls can be upto 1M thick stone and other walls are filled with multi-layer metal backed isulation. Also ideally need one that can work on live circuits.
Scan around the net give prices ranging from £14 to over £1,000 - Can't afford the latter (single man band) and know the former will not work
Any comments please