I was always led to believe throughout my time as a spark that when installing T+E cables in airing cupboards and cupboards under the stairs etc that are generally fairly inaccessible, you have to put the cables in PVC trunking (or similar) for extra mechanical protection, you can't just clip them to the wall. I was just thinking now, is there a regulation for this or is it just best practice? I have had a look in the BGB but can't find anything. I'm not great at finding things in that big b*stard of a book though!!
Generally, most things I have been told are for good reason so I follow them but sometimes I feel a bit dangerous and think for myself... I know it's bad and I shouldn't do it!
Generally, most things I have been told are for good reason so I follow them but sometimes I feel a bit dangerous and think for myself... I know it's bad and I shouldn't do it!