Just been to quote for a replacement ccu. I wish I'd taken a photo but the set was that the gas meter, incoming electric supply, meter and CCU were all in the same tiny cupboard. The incoming gas pipe was almost touching the incoming supply head. Surely that has to be 150mm apart. Then there was only 220mm max height for the ccu unless the meter is moved.
If I ask the distributor to move the meter a few inches to accomodate the new ccu will they, a. Do it and b. Charge very much c. Change it for a digital one
Also would they move the supply head if i explain its too close to the gas?
Thanks in advance
If I ask the distributor to move the meter a few inches to accomodate the new ccu will they, a. Do it and b. Charge very much c. Change it for a digital one
Also would they move the supply head if i explain its too close to the gas?
Thanks in advance