I have been asked to install a catenary wire to take a supply into a detatched outhouse.
The span is roughly 6 metres and at the rear of the property. The span will cross an area, which the residents use to park their vehicles. 709.521.1.8 BRB says that overhead conductors should be installed at a height above ground of not less than 6 metres in all areas subjected to vehicle movement.
The house is a mid terrace and is not very tall. If i was to conform to this height then i would have to take my catenary above the gutter height on some sort of extension pole. Don`t faancy doing this as i think that it will look awful.
What would others do in this situation? It is roughly 4 metres to gutter height. My thoughts are to take it to gutter height
The span is roughly 6 metres and at the rear of the property. The span will cross an area, which the residents use to park their vehicles. 709.521.1.8 BRB says that overhead conductors should be installed at a height above ground of not less than 6 metres in all areas subjected to vehicle movement.
The house is a mid terrace and is not very tall. If i was to conform to this height then i would have to take my catenary above the gutter height on some sort of extension pole. Don`t faancy doing this as i think that it will look awful.
What would others do in this situation? It is roughly 4 metres to gutter height. My thoughts are to take it to gutter height