got given a 230V-110V site transformer today. probably reasonably old and been sitting in a garage for a while. so thought it'd be an idea to run some tests on it before chucking it into service?
i'm thinking that after an inspection for condition and obvious damage (even inside the case), i should probably check for earth continuity (low resistance ohmmeter?). then insulation resistance between the windings? what would be the way to do that? i'd think i check that between line or neutral on the 230V side and either line on the 110V side?
are there other things you'd do in a PAT test? never really come across it before but can't really think of anything else.
guess i could check the output voltage and voltage to earth..
i'm thinking that after an inspection for condition and obvious damage (even inside the case), i should probably check for earth continuity (low resistance ohmmeter?). then insulation resistance between the windings? what would be the way to do that? i'd think i check that between line or neutral on the 230V side and either line on the 110V side?
are there other things you'd do in a PAT test? never really come across it before but can't really think of anything else.
guess i could check the output voltage and voltage to earth..