Cable rating have a buffer applied before been printed in tabled form in the BS7671 you can check this by ringing any manufacturer and discuss their CCC of the cable and compare them to the BS7671...
Other regulations also cover the fact that a circuit should thus be designed so that a small overload cannot occur for the long duration.. this clearly covers the grey area of devices not tripping in time.
Mcb's may also need a grouping factor applying to them if they are next to other units be a mcb's contactors etc even in distribution boards, these factors can be sourced from the manufacturer and also can depend on loading of the mcb... themselves.
All this will negate the need for a allowance to be factored on your cable size if you comply with reg 433.1.2 where compliance with 433.1.1. (i) and (ii) will automatically mean you comply with (iii).
You can debate this till the cows come home but if you are in a situation where you are loading the cable over the mcb rating but less than 1.45 x the mcb rating for a long duration then you haven't complied with 433.1 this is why you don't need to compensate for it because following 433.1 means it should not happen.
Other regulations also cover the fact that a circuit should thus be designed so that a small overload cannot occur for the long duration.. this clearly covers the grey area of devices not tripping in time.
Mcb's may also need a grouping factor applying to them if they are next to other units be a mcb's contactors etc even in distribution boards, these factors can be sourced from the manufacturer and also can depend on loading of the mcb... themselves.
All this will negate the need for a allowance to be factored on your cable size if you comply with reg 433.1.2 where compliance with 433.1.1. (i) and (ii) will automatically mean you comply with (iii).
You can debate this till the cows come home but if you are in a situation where you are loading the cable over the mcb rating but less than 1.45 x the mcb rating for a long duration then you haven't complied with 433.1 this is why you don't need to compensate for it because following 433.1 means it should not happen.