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Aug 25, 2019
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Below is what I have found. You can do the math​

Globally, crude's reserves-to-production ratio has hovered between 40-55 years. (Then the well runs dry)

How Much Oil Does the World Have Left? -

The above is saying, all the known oil reserves will be sucked up and burned within 40-55 years.

What so many people fail re realize is the there are two (2) dynamics going on here
which on the surface seem unrelated which is our biggest mistake

World Oil Reserves
1,650,585,140,000 barrels

47 years of oil left
(at current consumption levels)
World Oil Statistics - Worldometer (

This means, at current consumption all the known oil reserves will be sucked up and burned in 47 years.

This may not concern you because you will not be around then; but your grandchildren will !!

Fighting climate change and discovering new renewable energy resources are fighting to achieve the same thing. The survival of the human race.

The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?

I think it is time for us to look around at other countries who see the end of oil around the corner----------------

China plans ban on petrol and diesel cars

China looks at ending sales of gasoline cars

China to ban all petrol and diesel cars

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020 | Reuters
China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020 -

(a Berlin-based think tank) and Clean Energy Wire (an associated communications team) announced that renewable electricity “probably” covered more than 90 percent of power demand at 58 GW for a couple of hours on Sunday. Germany nearly reached 100 percent renewable power on Sunday | Energy Transition -

People are cutting the use of fossil fuels and learning how to use renewables when in fact at current consumption rates the world well suck up and burn all known reserves in 40-50 years.

Then what?
I remember when i was a kid and the Amazon was going to disappear 'within ten years'.

The whole climate change thing is simply to introduce the real digital age with new levy's and taxes.

You don't honestly think those at that G20 conference actually care about the planet do you? Like according to everyone Boris is a massive liar except when he's talking about COVID and co2? This is an agenda with political ends not philanthropic ones.

I also find it highly amusing when people who live in concrete houses on tarmacced roads in concrete cities waffle on about 'the planet'. During the height of COVID we saw what real minimal carbon footprint living was all about - people didn't go to work, people stopped commuting, everyone shopped locally, nobody was flying anywhere. So what did we do? Did we celebrate the fact that 'polluting airlines' were about to go bust? Nope, we moaned about the economy and bailed them out.

All a load of bollox that i for one don't really care about. My carbon footprint doesn't concern me.

A company owned by Jaguar Landrover called 'Dovu' are creating 'carbon credits' though where their plan is to make everyone take on their own personal 'carbon debt' with rewards and penalties depending on their footprint. If the potential consequences of schemes like that don't scare you then nothing will.

Remember this: if someone was raping your children you would demand they stopped, you wouldn't tell them it's ok to continue as long as they pay up every time they do it.

Replace 'children' with 'planet' and you'll see why the real point is to make people pay more taxes under the guise of 'protecting the planet' when in reality the powers would just make people stop doing what they're doing if they really cared. They wouldn't simply allow it to continue as long as you pay for it.
When I was a kid there actually was people with sandwich boards saying "The end of the world is nigh!"
i went to NIgh but could not find the end of the world.

anyway cows farting methane (25 x more damaging than CO2) is a bigger issue. let's bring all cows into barns. fit extractor fans in roofs, liquify and store the methane , pipe to distribution tanks fo all who still have gas C/H. gas shortage solved.
Climate change is real, the question is what is the "main" cause of it. The Earth has a long history of climate change, long before industrialised humans.

Some argue that industrialised humans are the main cause, some argue that we have just accelerated an inevitable change. Others argue that its all a ruse to increase taxes and make money. I suspect its a combination of acceleration and money making tactics.

Regardless of carbon footprints, investing in future alternative energy sources is a good thing, fossil fuels will run out at some point but this shouldn't be the driving force. The driving force should be that we want, as a technological advancing species, to continue to improve explore and progress.

Technology however will be either our route to survival or our route to extinction, but we shouldn't fear the unknowns, we should just try and prepare for anticipated eventualities or possibilities.
What if everyone stopped smoking cigarettes? How much pollution would that stop?

(Says he, sitting in his van with the engine running…)

I do believe however that even if the most technologically advanced countries on the planet do as much as they possibly can to counter climate change, there are still developing countries that cannot afford to “go green”….
Will our carbon savings outweigh there consumption?

The aliens will destroy us before we see any meaningful change.
I remember when i was a kid and the Amazon was going to disappear 'within ten years'.

The whole climate change thing is simply to introduce the real digital age with new levy's and taxes.

You don't honestly think those at that G20 conference actually care about the planet do you? Like according to everyone Boris is a massive liar except when he's talking about COVID and co2? This is an agenda with political ends not philanthropic ones.

I also find it highly amusing when people who live in concrete houses on tarmacced roads in concrete cities waffle on about 'the planet'. During the height of COVID we saw what real minimal carbon footprint living was all about - people didn't go to work, people stopped commuting, everyone shopped locally, nobody was flying anywhere. So what did we do? Did we celebrate the fact that 'polluting airlines' were about to go bust? Nope, we moaned about the economy and bailed them out.

All a load of bollox that i for one don't really care about. My carbon footprint doesn't concern me.

A company owned by Jaguar Landrover called 'Dovu' are creating 'carbon credits' though where their plan is to make everyone take on their own personal 'carbon debt' with rewards and penalties depending on their footprint. If the potential consequences of schemes like that don't scare you then nothing will.

Remember this: if someone was raping your children you would demand they stopped, you wouldn't tell them it's ok to continue as long as they pay up every time they do it.

Replace 'children' with 'planet' and you'll see why the real point is to make people pay more taxes under the guise of 'protecting the planet' when in reality the powers would just make people stop doing what they're doing if they really cared. They wouldn't simply allow it to continue as long as you pay for it.
You do make a point, we cant have it both ways.

Below is what I have found. You can do the math​

Globally, crude's reserves-to-production ratio has hovered between 40-55 years. (Then the well runs dry)

How Much Oil Does the World Have Left? -

The above is saying, all the known oil reserves will be sucked up and burned within 40-55 years.

What so many people fail re realize is the there are two (2) dynamics going on here
which on the surface seem unrelated which is our biggest mistake

World Oil Reserves
1,650,585,140,000 barrels

47 years of oil left
(at current consumption levels)
World Oil Statistics - Worldometer (

This means, at current consumption all the known oil reserves will be sucked up and burned in 47 years.

This may not concern you because you will not be around then; but your grandchildren will !!

Fighting climate change and discovering new renewable energy resources are fighting to achieve the same thing. The survival of the human race.

The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?

I think it is time for us to look around at other countries who see the end of oil around the corner----------------

China plans ban on petrol and diesel cars

China looks at ending sales of gasoline cars

China to ban all petrol and diesel cars

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020 | Reuters
China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020 -

(a Berlin-based think tank) and Clean Energy Wire (an associated communications team) announced that renewable electricity “probably” covered more than 90 percent of power demand at 58 GW for a couple of hours on Sunday. Germany nearly reached 100 percent renewable power on Sunday | Energy Transition -

People are cutting the use of fossil fuels and learning how to use renewables when in fact at current consumption rates the world well suck up and burn all known reserves in 40-50 years.

Then what?

You link to China banning production of petrol and diesel cars, but we are also doing the same, as are most countries. I don't think it's a surprise to anyone now.
I don't think I've ever been deliberately rude on this forum before, but you sound like a complete idiot.
Because i don't think Boris Johnson and his ilk genuinely care about the planet and therefore any 'solution' they come up with on that pretext which costs me more money makes me suspicious of their real motives?

Right you are mate.

You better get off the internet though on account of all those hundreds of millions of miles of cable that were mined for and then disturbed greenspace whilst being put in by people driving diesel vans, you absolute hypocrite.
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You do make a point, we cant have it both ways.
Climate change is real, the question is what is the "main" cause of it. The Earth has a long history of climate change, long before industrialised humans.

Some argue that industrialised humans are the main cause, some argue that we have just accelerated an inevitable change. Others argue that its all a ruse to increase taxes and make money. I suspect its a combination of acceleration and money making tactics.

Regardless of carbon footprints, investing in future alternative energy sources is a good thing, fossil fuels will run out at some point but this shouldn't be the driving force. The driving force should be that we want, as a technological advancing species, to continue to improve explore and progress.

Technology however will be either our route to survival or our route to extinction, but we shouldn't fear the unknowns, we should just try and prepare for anticipated eventualities or possibilities.
When i lived in France, Macron put up fuel prices because 'planet is dying' and told those who live 20 miles from the nearest 1-bus-per-day bus stop that they should be using those instead.

Definitely not about money, definitely because Macron, Johnson, Merkel etc all deeply care about the planet. That's why they all walked to the G20 summit.

Or maybe ask Attenbrough. I really like the piece Radio 2 did on him the other day where they revealed he is the most travelled human in history shortly before airing a clip of him telling us all how evil we are for polluting the planet.

I guess he must have massive arms from all the rowing he did to and from his shot locations.
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Bloody hell…. Let’s all just have a pop at ELECTED leaders of government for being hypocrites.

These people are trying their best to do right, and get knocked at every opportunity.

So what if they didn’t all walk to Glasgow… let’s just ground all aircraft, shut down the roads and live in recyclable cardboard houses.

Whatever policy they put forward, it’s inevitable we’ll have to pay…. But to assume prime ministers or presidents of any country will directly profit from it is just yet another conspiracy theory.
Bloody hell…. Let’s all just have a pop at ELECTED leaders of government for being hypocrites.

These people are trying their best to do right, and get knocked at every opportunity.

So what if they didn’t all walk to Glasgow… let’s just ground all aircraft, shut down the roads and live in recyclable cardboard houses.

Whatever policy they put forward, it’s inevitable we’ll have to pay…. But to assume prime ministers or presidents of any country will directly profit from it is just yet another conspiracy theory.

I must admit I don't like all these generalisations. We've heard on this forum that all colleges are rubbish, all lecturers are rubbish, all building companies can't do electrics, all MPs are in it for the money, everybody think Boris is lying. Those are pretty wide and very inaccurate things to come out with frankly.
You link to China banning production of petrol and diesel cars, but we are also doing the same, as are most countries. I don't think it's a surprise to anyone now.

Boris was first leader to put a date on banning the sale of new petrol & diesel cars.

Not going to comment on the hows or whys, but thought it was worth mentioning in relation to the OP.
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Oil has been running out in 40 years for the last 40 years.

Peak oil was originally supposed to happen around 20 years ago. It didn’t.

Where are all these crackpot posts coming from lately
Chevron announces that they now have 11.8 years of oil left at current production levels after aquir-ing Unocal reserves

An Oil Enigma: Production Falls Even as Reserves Rise
"The decline of oil and gas will affect the world population more than climate change"

Department of Energy estimated the world's supply of unexploited oil reserves the world supply of oil will be totally exhausted 35 years from now (June 2003).
World oil and gas 'running out'

The Oil Crunch
The question, instead, is when the trend in oil prices will turn decisively upward. That upward turn is inevitable as a growing world economy confronts a resource in limited supply. But when will it hap-pen? Maybe it already has.

"Texas' oil resource is pretty well picked over,"

Oman's Oil Yield Long in Decline, Shell Data Show

Half of Texas’s oil wells have dried up in the past 40 years and there are very few new ones.

Tight Oil Supply Won't Ease Soon

Two dollars for a gallon of gas? Get used to it. High fuel prices are here to stay, at least for the near future, because no relief is in sight for tight oil supplies.

The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?

Oil has been running out in 40 years for the last 40 years.

Peak oil was originally supposed to happen around 20 years ago. It didn’t.

Where are all these crackpot posts coming from lately
Chevron announces that they now have 11.8 years of oil left at current production levels after aquir-ing Unocal reserves

An Oil Enigma: Production Falls Even as Reserves Rise
"The decline of oil and gas will affect the world population more than climate change"

Department of Energy estimated the world's supply of unexploited oil reserves the world supply of oil will be totally exhausted 35 years from now (June 2003).
World oil and gas 'running out'

The Oil Crunch
The question, instead, is when the trend in oil prices will turn decisively upward. That upward turn is inevitable as a growing world economy confronts a resource in limited supply. But when will it hap-pen? Maybe it already has.

"Texas' oil resource is pretty well picked over,"

Oman's Oil Yield Long in Decline, Shell Data Show

Half of Texas’s oil wells have dried up in the past 40 years and there are very few new ones.

Tight Oil Supply Won't Ease Soon

Two dollars for a gallon of gas? Get used to it. High fuel prices are here to stay, at least for the near future, because no relief is in sight for tight oil supplies.

The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?

Chevron announces that they now have 11.8 years of oil left at current production levels after aquir-ing Unocal reserves

An Oil Enigma: Production Falls Even as Reserves Rise
"The decline of oil and gas will affect the world population more than climate change"

Department of Energy estimated the world's supply of unexploited oil reserves the world supply of oil will be totally exhausted 35 years from now (June 2003).
World oil and gas 'running out'

The Oil Crunch
The question, instead, is when the trend in oil prices will turn decisively upward. That upward turn is inevitable as a growing world economy confronts a resource in limited supply. But when will it hap-pen? Maybe it already has.

"Texas' oil resource is pretty well picked over,"

Oman's Oil Yield Long in Decline, Shell Data Show

Half of Texas’s oil wells have dried up in the past 40 years and there are very few new ones.

Tight Oil Supply Won't Ease Soon

Two dollars for a gallon of gas? Get used to it. High fuel prices are here to stay, at least for the near future, because no relief is in sight for tight oil supplies.

The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?

Electrical Blog - Electrical Advice | Free Electricians Advice Forum -


Chevron announces that they now have 11.8 years of oil left at current production levels after aquir-ing Unocal reserves

An Oil Enigma: Production Falls Even as Reserves Rise
"The decline of oil and gas will affect the world population more than climate change"

Department of Energy estimated the world's supply of unexploited oil reserves the world supply of oil will be totally exhausted 35 years from now (June 2003).
World oil and gas 'running out'

The Oil Crunch
The question, instead, is when the trend in oil prices will turn decisively upward. That upward turn is inevitable as a growing world economy confronts a resource in limited supply. But when will it hap-pen? Maybe it already has.

"Texas' oil resource is pretty well picked over,"

Oman's Oil Yield Long in Decline, Shell Data Show

Half of Texas’s oil wells have dried up in the past 40 years and there are very few new ones.

Tight Oil Supply Won't Ease Soon

Two dollars for a gallon of gas? Get used to it. High fuel prices are here to stay, at least for the near future, because no relief is in sight for tight oil supplies.

The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?

Electrical Blog - Electrical Advice | Free Electricians Advice Forum -


Check the figures for the oil/gas and the solar/wind contribution to the national grid's output. The change has been pretty big over recent years. I think the world already knows about the problems of using coal/oil/gas - your figures are not exactly a revelation!!
In terms of "it's going to run out", no it's not. What happens is that when there's "enough" known reserves of oil & gas, companies stop exploring for more - why spend money looking for something you don't need and won't get any payback for ? As known reserves get used, then eventually the equation tips the other way and companies start looking for more.
OK, very simplistic, but basically reserves ebb and flow - as they go down there's an incentive to find more, when they go up the incentive disappears, and the net result is that we always seem to have "around 40 years left" - there was "40 years left" some 50 years ago ?
Also, in practical terms we tend to use the easy (and hence cheap) to extract reserves. If they become really scarce then costs will go up and it'll be worth going for the more expensive to extract ones.

I suspect that IF (and it is a big IF there) we manage to get a big enough excess of no-CO2 energy supplies, then oil usage will really dwindle as there are ways of making synthetic hydrocarbons from (again, in simplistic terms) lecky and water (which between them can make clean hydrogen), and atmospheric CO2. But until we have an excess of zero-CO2 lecky, the carbon budget doesn't work out in our favour. We've "some way" to go on an excess of zero CO2 lecky, let alone an excess of zero CO2 energy.
Wow. So much to unpack here.

Firstly - I was actually there, COP26. Actually inside, working with, talking with the people mentioned - everyone from scientists to politicians both from the UK and every corner of the globe.

Climate change is not a hoax, conspiracy theory or something cooked up to extract more money from us; put simply we are where we are. A century of developed/ing nations has inadvertantly changed our environment - forever - and we have no realistic option as a species with which we can reverse that. The only thing we can do is make a choice as to how bad we allow it to get. And it is a choice. We can choose one course of action and hope to limit climate temperature rise to 1.5C, in which various bad things still happen, or we can adopt other choices which see us hitting 3C, 4C.... with increasing levels of catastrophy from which there is still no way back.

Last year due to covid global output fell by 25%, yet CO2 emissions only fell by 8%. That gives you an enourmity of the scale of the problem. 1cuM of concrete production produces 250Kg3 of CO2 - think about that the next time you're on site and you'll realise the drop in the ocean that is the recycling box you put out last night whilst yelling at the kids to turn off lights.

@telectrix is quite right - Methane in the environment is 20ish times more warming than CO2, one of the reasons we're being encouraged to revue our relationship with food and farming, however it only lasts around 18years in the atmosphere - CO2 has a significantly longer half life.

Sadly, what I learned is that whilst science tells us the nature of the problem, the 'fixes' are political. And politics, whatever your colour and flavour may be, is selfish and greedy. The kind of decisions that need to be made are properly harsh, but no developing nation wants to stop building, no country with coal reserves is going to abandon them (coal being about 25% of total global CO2 emissions) and no government wants to be the one to take away the childrens (as in, you and me) toys. Add to that the various levels of corruption and deceit that undoubtedly go on as well (just look at our own Govt for that!) and you begin to see the real issues.

I'll leave this with one last sobering thought: There is an island Nation, a proud intelligent educated people just like us Brits (actually IS part of the Commonwealth, I think), called Tuvalu. Only a small country, population around 12,000. By 2070 - that's within the lifetime of some of you reading this - it will have disappeared. It's literally sinking into the sea because of rising sea levels. Existing for as long as humans have, yet snuffed out in moments. An entire country. And I was told, by one of them, to get on a plane and go and see them whilst they still exist. Buying a carbon offset to do so, naturally.
Climate change is not a hoax, conspiracy theory or something cooked up to extract more money from us; put simply we are where we are.
Two things are happening at the same time.

[1] Fossil fuels are running out.

[2] Earth’s climate is changing. Our planet has gone through three (3) major climate changes; from being covered in ice to a heat wave back to ice.

Facts never lie; only people do; or they are just mistaken----

Splitting Of The Polar Vortex: The Arctic Is Melting In The Dead Of Winter

Models show the temperature is above freezing at the North Pole.

Despite the North Pole being shrouded in darkness for another month, temperatures in the Arctic have soared by as much as 45 degrees Fahrenheit above average. This has brought temperatures above freezing in February in one of the coldest places on Earth.

The North Pole just had an extreme heat wave for the 3rd winter in a row
As snow falls in Rome, the Arctic is getting alarmingly hot in the middle of winter.

It’s been downright toasty at the North Pole, at least by Arctic standards.

The northernmost weather station in the world, Cape Morris Jesup in Greenland, saw temperatures stay above freezing for almost 24 hours straight last week, and then climb to 43 degrees Fahrenheit (6.1 degrees Celsius) on Saturday before dropping again.

The Arctic recently sent us a powerful message about climate change

Arctic scientists aren’t usually afraid of a little cold. Windy conditions don’t usually get us howling. The beasts we pay attention to are usually polar bears. But last week’s “Beast from the East” triggered a few anxious conversations.

Social media memes aside, our problem isn’t this one extreme weather event per se. Our key fear is that the Beast isn’t really from the East – its birthplace was farther north.

Hasn't Earth warmed and cooled naturally throughout history?
Author: David Herring and Rebecca Lindsey
October 29, 2020

Yes. Earth has experienced cold periods (or “ice ages”) and warm periods (“interglacials”) on roughly 100,000-year cycles for at least the last 1 million years. The last of these ices ended around 20,000 years ago.
Hasn't Earth warmed and cooled naturally throughout history? | NOAA

Earth has been a snowball and a hothouse at different times in its past. So if the climate changed before humans, how can we be sure we’re responsible for the dramatic warming that’s happening today?
How Earth’s Climate Changes Naturally (and Why Things Are Different Now) | Quanta Magazine

The largest global-scale climate variations in Earth’s recent geological past are the ice age cycles (see infobox, p.B4), which are cold glacial periods followed by shorter warm periods . The last few of these natural cycles have recurred roughly every 100,000 years.

Recent estimates of the increase in global average temperature since the end of the last ice age are 4 to 5 °C (7 to 9 °F).
That change occurred over a period of about 7,000 years, starting 18,000 years ago. CO2 has risen more than 40% in just the past 200 years, much of this since the 1970s, contributing to human alteration of the planet’s energy budget that has so far warmed Earth by about 1 °C (1.8 °F). If the rise in CO2 continues unchecked, warming of the same magnitude as the increase out of the ice age can be expected by the end of this century or soon after. This speed of warming is more than ten times that at the end of an ice age, the fastest known natural sustained change on a global scale.
6. Climate is always changing. Why is climate change of concern now? | Royal Society

The Snowball Earth hypothesis proposes that during one or more of Earth's icehouse climates, Earth's surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen
Snowball Earth - Wikipedia

Snowball Earth: The times our planet was covered in ice

Ancient rocks suggest that ice entirely covered our planet on at least two occasions. This theory may help explain the rise of complex life that followed.

The Earth has endured many changes in its 4.5-billion-year history, with some tumultuous twists and turns along the way. One especially dramatic episode appears to have come between 700 million and 600 million years ago, when scientists think ice smothered the entire planet, from the poles to the equator — twice in quick succession.
[] Climate Change is not alone, changers on the way

The story of Snowball Earth |



Has anyone seen the documentary called "Planet of the humans"?

It made many of the national headlines when it was condemned by environmentalists and banned from youtube at 1 point and many tried to see it banned and have it censored (I wonder why)
Some of the technology in it has moved on but i'd be interested on anyones opinion if you have seen it?

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