If the cable is accidentally screwed or chewed by vermin, there is no guarantee that both the line conductor and the CPC will be caught by the screw or vermin.
This is why, RCD protection is a method of providing additional protection for cables concealed in walls.
Are the downlights installed in walls by the way?
RCDs do not require a CPC to operate, if they did, then there would be no point in plugging your hedge trimmer into an RCD protected socket.
A CPC is not there to protect the cable.
It is there to earth exposed-conductive-parts which may become live under fault conditions, and to provide a path for earth faults which may occur in equipment conected to the wiring system.
I have a good Idea then, lets banish all CPCs and remove carpets in the house and replace with rubber mats and rcd everything and hope they work.