Hi guys I've tried to enroll at bridged college for a 2365. But when enquiring about 2357 I was told that Bridged nor any other colleges in S.Wales that he knows of offer this course this confused me. I then asked what will the apprentices be studying next year and he told me they would be doing the 2365 is he mistaken or are apprenterships different in Wales I've checked the prospectus and there is a level 3 nvq diploma in installing electro technical systems and equipment is this an eal equivalent to a 2357. He was pushing me too enroll for the eal course electrical & electronic engineering technology he claimed this is an equivalent to 2365 i wasn't aware there was one. any one know what's what with these courses. Im currently not working as an electrician but may have a job as a mate part time soon. Any help appreciated also sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes posting this on my phone