Hi all, I've tested a bit of heat recovery before so mev is much simpler, just started testing a plot today.
Theres 3no outlets;kitchen, down stairs wc and bathroom first floor, all leading to the loft where the mev unit sits. Was looking for around 7l/s at trickle mode at all outlets which worked fine, on boost struggling to get to 13 l/s in the kitchen, only managing 10.5 at full bore on the unit! 8l/s for wc and bathroom are no problem.
Gonna have a read of the instructions to see if I need to apply correction factors for the cowl on the tester and the ceiling cowls aswell.
I'll check flexi connections to the mev unit for any crushing, would much prefer to use rigid flexi ducting for the mev connection. Gonna have another play with the ceiling valves and try and balance it all out, as in theory I'm getting the overall flow rates but just need more at the kitchen, I'm hoping It doesn't develop into a black art getting it all balanced haha
if anyone's got any tips or suggestions then I'm all for making life easier !
Theres 3no outlets;kitchen, down stairs wc and bathroom first floor, all leading to the loft where the mev unit sits. Was looking for around 7l/s at trickle mode at all outlets which worked fine, on boost struggling to get to 13 l/s in the kitchen, only managing 10.5 at full bore on the unit! 8l/s for wc and bathroom are no problem.
Gonna have a read of the instructions to see if I need to apply correction factors for the cowl on the tester and the ceiling cowls aswell.
I'll check flexi connections to the mev unit for any crushing, would much prefer to use rigid flexi ducting for the mev connection. Gonna have another play with the ceiling valves and try and balance it all out, as in theory I'm getting the overall flow rates but just need more at the kitchen, I'm hoping It doesn't develop into a black art getting it all balanced haha
if anyone's got any tips or suggestions then I'm all for making life easier !