That's exactly what blew me away first time as the readings were as if there was no resistance on the entire circuit, definitely ring as quite a few legs were removed along with old JB's as the IR as installing new cabling was 0.77 Megohms on the lounge, hall & bedrooms x 2 ring final cct. Replaced legs as client did not want a rewire in entirety and IR was all at >500Mohms after replacing old legs, also tested each leg before and after to identify if perfect IR before testing from CU ( also replaced ) at the end. This is when I had very low / perfect ( although not feasible ) r1, etc.. But yet Zs was ok !
Rough estimate entire ring circuit approx 35 metres including 2 x sockets ( one each bedroom ) wired as spurs although still not got some resistance. Will need to check OSG tomorrow and total up resistance value as wont be much on 35 metres or so of 2.5/1.5 twin.
Update: today while finishing the whole job I got great results ! r1 0.41, rn 0.43, r2 0.78 & R1+R2 0.35 with Zs at 0.79 slightly above calculated Zs but well within 1.1 ohms Zs allowable so really happy
and just completed the certs now !
time to get paid and same guy just bought another house to fix up from ground up 3 storey and put in planning for another property new build too ! No rest for me then... You're all legends for your help guys and if ever you're in Jersey I'll get the beers in.
Ha ha good stuff, Yep can't have been that long ago then ? Kitty's is quite a recent addition. Chambers is a half decent water hole too. Did you find The Blind Pig - Speakeasy ?
Ha ha good stuff, Yep can't have been that long ago then ? Kitty's is quite a recent addition. Chambers is a half decent water hole too. Did you find The Blind Pig - Speakeasy ?
LOL. I was in Jersey full time from November 2010 until August 2011. (I even have a States of Jersey Health Card!)
It was around the time that Jager Bombs made an appearance. I had planned on applying for another job there when I left. Actually I miss the place a lot.
I can't think of the Blind Pig off the top of my head but I'm sure I probably was in it!
Classic ;-) The blind pig wouldn't have been open back then, it's very exclusive, hidden doorway somewhere in Chambers ! Special knock to gain access too. Only take around 12 people or so at a time ! You working alone or for a local company then chief ? Should come back for the sun, everyone is getting too busy at the moment.
I was working for a company called Midland Engineering. They were working on the Portelet Bay site for Dandara (a name you daren't mention in Jersey!). Midland Engineering were an Irish company who setup a Jersey subsidiary. (I was employed under a Jersey contract of employment.) They left in a string of bad debt. In fact they still owe me over £1,000!
Ahh I remember midland engineering ! along with Mitie they made a few messy ones too and disappeared quickly off the rock too!! Grand hotel was a beauty, spent many an hour tracing out Mitsy VRV faults through the BMS computers as the units were addressed wrongly to the point the condensers were firing liquid refrigerant to fan coils in bedrooms that didn't exist due to being ghost units !! Beautiful ! Oh and Dandara !! hahahahahaha yes well that takes things to a whole new low. Worked on a few of there projects if you like for my old boss Joe Walsh big Irish fella at ATC & Son Electrical contractors and saw some wonderful sights on there sites....
Update: today while finishing the whole job I got great results ! r1 0.41, rn 0.43, r2 0.78 & R1+R2 0.35 with Zs at 0.79 slightly above calculated Zs but well within 1.1 ohms Zs allowable so really happy
and just completed the certs now !
Whilst these results compare with tabulated figures (which I compared with an NIC publication), I would be concerned about the results you got in your OP and trial testing with the 1.5mm cable.
See you say your MFT was calibrated 2 months ago, how is your MFT comparing with your monthly checks? Cant see how the dead short end to end measurements can be apportioned with the house wiring.
My MFT a while back was displaying fluctuating figures, and it was actually a faulty socket in the MFT, and had to be repaired. You may have an intermittent fault with your MFT.
Tried it on the calcard a few times and was pretty much bang on and been ok at my house too but only since new batteries in too, they were only a volt or so higher but hopefully not the MFT ! That would be a nightmare.
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