I have been to a garage yesterday and they need a tyre machine installation, They only have single into the small unit, the machine that has been bought has a name plate on that says three phase 400v 50Hz in my eyes that is three phase.
The cable is a 4 core brown, black, blue and earth.
The seller assures the buyer it was connected to a single phase.
My next step is to take the the casing apart and see how the motor is wired.
Any advice would be helpful.
I have been to a garage yesterday and they need a tyre machine installation, They only have single into the small unit, the machine that has been bought has a name plate on that says three phase 400v 50Hz in my eyes that is three phase.
The cable is a 4 core brown, black, blue and earth.
The seller assures the buyer it was connected to a single phase.
My next step is to take the the casing apart and see how the motor is wired.
Any advice would be helpful.