Hi all,
Hopefully someone can help me. I am going to undertake a small project for my home which will be a copper pipe lamp for the living room.
I bought a lampholder and wire and have a few questions before I start.
The lamp holder is metal with a ceramic insert (see pictures). I have also found a nice youtube video which shows the exact same one here:
There appears no earth terminal on the holder itself just a small hole. I am also aware that as the lamp is made of copper that will need to be earthed accordingly. Here is something similar I plan to create: Copper Pipe Retro Industrial Chic Table Lamp - https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/493455097/copper-pipe-retro-industrial-chic-table?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=copper%20pipe%20lamp&ref=sr_gallery_13
My question is how would i go about earthing the holder and the pipe itself. Would i need to unsheath the earth cable all the way through the lamp to ensure the whole lamp is earthed?
Hopefully someone can help me. I am going to undertake a small project for my home which will be a copper pipe lamp for the living room.
I bought a lampholder and wire and have a few questions before I start.
The lamp holder is metal with a ceramic insert (see pictures). I have also found a nice youtube video which shows the exact same one here:
There appears no earth terminal on the holder itself just a small hole. I am also aware that as the lamp is made of copper that will need to be earthed accordingly. Here is something similar I plan to create: Copper Pipe Retro Industrial Chic Table Lamp - https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/493455097/copper-pipe-retro-industrial-chic-table?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=copper%20pipe%20lamp&ref=sr_gallery_13
My question is how would i go about earthing the holder and the pipe itself. Would i need to unsheath the earth cable all the way through the lamp to ensure the whole lamp is earthed?