Okay, so I've been on my back for 5 days now after knackering it on a job last week. While doing my exercises, I managerd to catch about 2 minutes of The Cowboy Trap (which I've posted about before) and see they are up to their old tricks of spouting absolute rubbish! I'm not the kind of person to write a stiff letter to the daily mail if my local shop runs out of bread, but I'm fed up of all this rubbish on these shows, so I dun a letter to them. Once again, we've had:
Experts talking rubbish ('Fire hoods should e installed so you can put insulation on top of downlighters without them catching fire').
Yet more undue providence given to NICEIC.
Once again - 'don't ever trust leaflets'
That was in literally a randomly selected three-minute period! I know I'm coming off all Daily Mail but it really winds me up that these idiots can spread this rubbish without fear of repercussion.
Experts talking rubbish ('Fire hoods should e installed so you can put insulation on top of downlighters without them catching fire').
Yet more undue providence given to NICEIC.
Once again - 'don't ever trust leaflets'
That was in literally a randomly selected three-minute period! I know I'm coming off all Daily Mail but it really winds me up that these idiots can spread this rubbish without fear of repercussion.