what's the annual electricity price inflation figure that's used there?
Ah - I've just remembered why we took those calculators off the website, I think they calculate the percentage return as an annualised average of the 20 year figure without taking account of the depreciation in value of the system / the initial cost, which gives a much higher percentage than is realistic.
We now use the internal rate of return method, which is based on the actual total profit over 20 years (total income and savings minus cost of installation), divide by 20 years, then divide by cost of the installation to get a percentage which actually relates to the cash position as opposed to the cash plus valuing the solar system at it's initial installed price for the life of the system as solarguide do. I really don't like the way they calculate it, I think it's highly misleading, and the only thing it's going to do is result in DECC kicking off again, plus sensible customers just don't believe it and think you must be a bunch of con artists for using it.
The AER figure in brackets might well be the same as the IRR figure we use, and seems more realistic for that price.