you can get your own Enhanced CRB check by going through a "CRB Umbrella company" this means that you can look on the CRB website, find a nearby Charity or voluntary organisation and pay a small fee which helps out the charity (something like 27 pounds as far as I know) then they do the enhanced CRB paperwork for you and put it through their account with the CRB, this means you can get your own one for taking to interviews etc, as a lot of employers and agencies expect you to go and get your own but they dont want to pay for it.
I had to do this as well as jump through several weeks worth of hoops, interviews, form filling and also transporting myself to head offices with the physical documents so that they could feel and look at the embossed paper of my tckets, ID etc and scan them into their computer, even though I had already posted good quality colour copies(as requested) AND emailed scans...
On working in the Bank offices and storage facilities, I had to get my own RFID and Photo ID sorted out, and sign it in and out of the security desk in the morning and at Lunch time just to be able to go to the shop for food, I was folllowed about all day when I was moving boxes of tools and ladders about by a grumpy woman with a radio set that eyeballed my every move and even stood outside the toilet when I went in...all this in a bank multi storey office with no cash in it at all...
On my second week working there, they had a change of rota at the security desk, we were supposed to lock our piece bags (lunch , mobile phone etc) in a spare parts store room, which the front desk had been letting us in to use for 2 weeks, I arrived in in the morning and there was a new guy on the desk, I said "can I put my bag in the store room" to which he replied "NO!"...I said "can I leave it with you at the front desk then please?" ....."NO!" .....where can I put it then..."DONT KNOW NOT MA PROBLEM PAL!"...thought **** this I need to get on.....went into the staff canteen, there was a load of cleaning ladies in there, asked is it ok if I leave my bag in here? they said ok so I thought ..,Right I will open it up so you can see inside it, so not an issue for "security"....I opened it up, took out my phone and put it in my back pocket, unzipped it all the way round, took out my clear plastic tub with rolls in it and my can of juice,left the bag lying wide open(it was a backpack so could be spread out like an open clamshell) and left it lying empty and open in the corner with my rolls and juice next to it.....went to work on the computers/cabling and 3 hours later when everybody was going for a break, I got cornered outside the canteen door by 4 "security" men that obviously fancied themselves as "hard men" -big fat ******** then a 4ft little ***** came along in his pink shirt and started screaming at me about a security breach and supposed suspicious package, the man from the security desk that had refused to take my piece bag was standing at the back of them smirking, 20 minutes later got a screaming and ranting phonecall from the agency and told not to come back after the end of that day....