may i like to warn you about lending your tools or ladders this happened to me about 6 yrs ago was working on site with various trades when this labourer [about 18-19] asked me if he could borrow my step-ladders
3way type said yes all ok the job finished about 6weeks later received a letter from a firm of solicitors who was going sue me for not showing him
how to use them correctly etc [health and safety act 1974 sub sec blah blah blah] my reply was he took them without my permission so any trades show your mates how to use your tools
3way type said yes all ok the job finished about 6weeks later received a letter from a firm of solicitors who was going sue me for not showing him
how to use them correctly etc [health and safety act 1974 sub sec blah blah blah] my reply was he took them without my permission so any trades show your mates how to use your tools